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Logo of the Berlin Process and the Roma Foundation for Europe

Economic investment in Roma would help drive EU integration of Western Balkans: Roma Foundation

22 October 2024
As Germany hosts the Balkan leaders at the 10th Berlin Process meeting aimed to bring six Western Balkan states closer to the European Union, one of the critical issues discussed will be improving the situation of the Roma - the largest ethnic minority in Europe and Western Balkans - and how to achieve it. 
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Fifth Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration

Ministers Commit to Improving Roma Lives in Western Balkans by Addressing Anti-Gypsyism, and Ensuring Access to Education and Health during Berlin Meeting

22 October 2024
Participants at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration ahead of the tenth anniversary of the Berlin Process call for concrete steps to improve the situation of Roma in the Western Balkans and tap into their economic potential.
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European Commission commemorates Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on 2 August

22 October 2024
The Commission issued today a statement in memory of the 80th anniversary of the tragic events that unfolded at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp on 2 August 1944.
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Commemorative ceremony for the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the "Gypsy Family Camp" at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration and Extermination Camp

Commemorative ceremony for the 80th anniversary of the liquidation of the "Gypsy Family Camp" at the Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration and Extermination Camp

22 October 2024
Friday, 2 August marks 80 years since the tragic night in 1944 when the Nazis liquidated the so-called "Gypsy Family Camp" in the Auschwitz II-Birkenau Concentration and Extermination Camp. In the gas chambers of that concentration camp, despite their active resistance, 4,300 Romani people from 14 countries were murdered.
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Invest in training Roma youth for "deficit jobs" to address labour shortages and boost the economies of Western Balkan countries: New report

22 October 2024
The Roma Foundation for Europe calls for investment in the training of young Roma to help solve the region’s workforce problems and lift the Roma from dehumanising poverty levels.
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Roma Foundation Urges German Institutions to Combat Antiziganism as They Tackled Anti-Semitism

22 October 2024
The Roma Foundation for Europe calls for systemic change as reported attacks on Sinti and Roma double in 2023.
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European Parties' Neglect of the Roma is Driving them Towards Anti-EU Factions, Says the Roma Foundation for Europe

22 October 2024
As European citizens go to polls this week, the Roma Foundation for Europe, the leading organisation advocating for the 12 million Roma in Europe, has called on mainstream parties not to ignore them.
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Why does Europe need the Roma?

22 October 2024
The Declaration of Robert Schuman on May 9, 1950, which became the foundation of today's European Union, is based on the idea that Europe as a political project will be a guarantee of peace and prosperity. The declaration states that Europe will not be built all at once, nor according to one plan, but through concrete achievements that build solidarity.
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To Counter Putin's "Nazi" Spiel, Ukraine Must Include the Roma in Its Postwar Plans

22 October 2024
Ukraine and its allies should ensure that the valuable contributions of Roma communities are recognised and acknowledged in post-war Ukraine by being treated better than in pre-war Ukraine, Zeljko Jovanovic writes.
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Open Society Commits €100 Million to New, Roma-Led Foundation

22 October 2024
Open Society's commitment will be to the new Roma Foundation for Europe, the first institution of its scale and scope led by Roma.
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The Open Society Foundations to Invest in a European Roma Foundation

22 October 2024
Open Society will increase its commitment to Roma-led advocacy and change by creating a new, independent Roma-led foundation with a broad network of Roma-led entities.
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North Macedonia Launches Fund to Boost Roma Entrepreneurship and Employment, an Initiative Supported by the Open Society Foundations

22 October 2024
The Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Zoran Zaev, today launched a €2 million development fund in partnership with the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative.
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Roma mistrust in governments is an obstacle to COVID-19 recovery

22 October 2024
To convince Roma in Europe to take up the vaccine, governments need to take steps to build trust.
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Serbia Moves to Advance Roma Culture and Education in an Effort Also Supported by the Open Society Foundations, the Council of Europe, and Germany

22 October 2024
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić today inaugurated the first branch of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture and the new headquarters of the Roma Education Fund.
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