Roma girl in Transylvania, Romania

Empower­ing Roma, transform­ing Europe

We are the Roma Foundation for Europe.

Empowering the Roma is key to shaping a Europe of equality, justice and fairness. Our distinct approach sets us apart in driving this vision: we are funders, advocates, network builders and alliance creators.

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Fifth Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration

Ministers Commit to Improving Roma Lives in Western Balkans by Addressing Anti-Gypsyism, and Ensuring Access to Education and Health during Berlin Meeting

Participants at the Ministerial Meeting on Roma Integration ahead of the tenth anniversary of the Berlin Process call for concrete steps to improve the situation of Roma in the Western Balkans and tap into their economic potential.
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Portrait of Roma children

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about the Roma Foundation for Europe, our network and the Roma
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European Commission commemorates Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on 2 August

The Commission issued today a statement in memory of the 80th anniversary of the tragic events that unfolded at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp on 2 August 1944.
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